應四川大學輕紡與食品學院、生物質與皮革工程系的邀請,德國Schill+Seilacher希綸賽勒赫化學公司皮革部Siegfried Nagel總經理等一行來我院做交流,開設學術講座。德國希綸賽勒赫化學公司訪問我院的代表團成員有:Lukas Wohlmuth先生,香港匯福公司李飚總經理(S.S中國總代理),Schill+Seilacher公司楊懿先生(1982級校友),徐寧女士(1992級校友)
主 講 人:Siegfried Nagel總經理
報告主題1:Leather odour contributes to luxury interiors
報告主題2:Waterproof——state of the art
Schill + Seilacher這間化工公司是由Christoph Seilacher和他的連襟Karl Schill在1877年于海爾布隆創建的,當時他們專為皮革行業制造特殊化工產品的,而滿足客戶的要求,一直是S+S能不斷發展的推動力。由于他們的創造力,并且符合了客戶對產品的要求,包括其高質量的標準,Schill + Seilacher迅速發展起來,而且公司的名聲很快就傳到德國其他地區。
基于后期進一步發展了出口業務而且需求日益增長,在1925年Schill + Seilacher于漢堡成立了子公司,打開通向世界的大門。如此般,S+S也可以保證滿足世界其他地區客戶的要求。長久以來,不斷積極的調研和開發也確保了S+S產品的持續拓展,時至今日,除皮革化工產品外S+S在紡織用特殊化工產品方面也同樣享譽全球!根據紡織行業的經驗和相應原材料的可用性,S+S開發了第一批用于加工天然橡膠的添加劑。在1943年一次大規模的空襲中S+S的所有生產設施幾乎都被摧毀了;因此,部分生產線被轉移到了伯布林根。二戰戰爭結束后,S+S在漢堡迅速搭建了一個非常現代化的工廠。伯布林根的工廠主要生產用于制造和改進織物,紡織品,皮革和紙張的特殊化工產品;而漢堡的工廠則主要開發和制造用于橡膠工業,消泡劑,分散劑,硅乳液和乳膠加工用的化工產品。
由于產品在美國市場引起的回響越來越大,因此在1979年于美國俄亥俄州創立了Struktol公司。時至今天,作為一個家族式企業,Schill + Seilacher公司全球600多名員工代表了集團的成就。憑著我們優良的傳統,高質量的研究和開發活動,S+S公司未來將會繼續蓬勃的發展。
Founded by Christoph Seilacher and his brother-in-law Karl Schill in Heilbronn in 1877, the chemical factory for the manufacturing of special products for the leather industry has always counted on the proximity to its customers as the driving force for its growth.
That's why only four years after it was founded, the company moved its operations to Feuerbach near Stuttgart in order to work more closely with the most important companies in the industry.
Because of their creativity, and thanks to the right products and the company's high quality standards, Schill + Seilacher grew quickly and was soon recognised well beyond its regional borders.
The export business expanded so that in 1925 Schill + Seilacher founded a subsidiary in Hamburg, the gateway to the world. Now the direct proximity to the foreign markets was also assured.
Even back then, active research and development ensured a continuous expansion of the product line that has in the meantime been expanded to include special chemicals for textile refinement.
Based on the experience from the textile industry and the availability of the corresponding raw materials, the first additives for the processing of natural rubber followed.
In 1943 a massive air raid almost entirely destroyed the production facilities; as a result, the production was partially transferred to B?blingen.
Immediately after the end of the war, a modern and expanded manufacturing facility was built in Hamburg. The B?blingen location was not only retained, but it was also continuously modernised and expanded.
The B?blingen location manufactured special chemicals for the manufacturing and refinement of fabrics, textiles, leather and paper while the Hamburg location developed and manufactured special chemicals for the rubber industry, antifoam agents, polydispersions, silicon emulsions and products for latex processing.
The growing success of our products on the US market led to the 1979 founding of the Struktol Company of America in Stow, Ohio.
Today, over 600 employees worldwide represent the success of the Schill + Seilacher corporate group, which still remains a family-owned business. Our dynamic growth is ensured by our tradition and a high degree of research and development activities.