應四川大學輕紡與食品學院和邀請,朗盛(LANXESS)皮革事業部亞太區市場總監Juergen Hackenbroich先生,朗盛皮革事業部中國區市場總監邵學軍先生和朗盛無錫高性能復合材料有限公司西區經理汪紀力先生將于2016年6月7日訪問我院。邵學軍總監將在6月7日下午作講座。
朗盛是全球領先的特殊化學品供應商,總部位于德國勒沃庫森,在全球24個國家擁有52個生產基地。朗盛的核心業務包括開發、生產并銷售塑料、橡膠、化學中間體產品和特殊化學品。朗盛在大中華區的員工人數約 1,400 名,擁有10家下屬企業(含2家合資公司),8個研發中心。在大中華地區,朗盛遵循可持續發展原則:可持續性是朗盛所有行動的基礎。
LANXESS – at the heart of the chemical industry
LANXESS is a leading specialty chemicals company with sales of EUR 7.9 billion in 2015 and roughly 16,200 employees in 29 countries. The company is currently represented at 52 production sites worldwide.
The core business of LANXESS is the development, manufacturing and marketing of plastics, rubber, intermediates and specialty chemicals. LANXESS is a member of the leading sustainability indices Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World and DJSI Europe) and FTSE4Good as well.
The responsibilities for the operational business of LANXESS are borne by 10 business units, which are geared towards the needs of the market. The business unit heads report directly to the LANXESS Board of Management.
This enables quick decisions - that benefit the company - without hindering bureaucracy. The business units are grouped into the three segments Performance Polymers, Advanced Intermediates and Performance Chemicals.
In all its activities around the world, the Group subscribes to the principle of sustainable development: Sustainability is the basis of every action at LANXESS, and we consider environmental compatibility and social responsibility to be of equal importance.