張琦弦 副編審,期刊Collagen and Leather執行編輯
Collagen and Leather (CL)主頁:https://jlse.springeropen.com/
聯系方式:028-85460597 E-mail:zhangqx@scu.edu.cn
2019.1—至今 四川大學輕工科學與工程學院,擔任CL執行編輯,職稱編輯、副編審
2013.7—2019.1 四川大學輕工科學與工程學院,助理實驗師、實驗師
2018.9—2023.12 四川大學輕工科學與工程學院,生物質化學與工程專業,博士,導師:石碧教授
2010.9—2013.6 四川大學輕工科學與工程學院,生物質化學與工程專業,碩士,導師:石碧教授
2006.9—2010.6 四川大學輕工科學與工程學院,輕化工程專業,本科,導師:石碧教授
(2)CL CiteScore2022為6.8,位于Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering和Chemistry(miscellaneuos) Q1區,居全球皮革領域英文期刊首位;
(1)石碧, 張琦弦, 黃鑫. 基于膠原纖維的功能材料. 北京:科學出版社, 2023.
(2)曾運航, 張琦弦. 皮革及革制品品質檢驗. 成都: 四川大學出版社, 2019.
(3)Qixian Zhang, Qingyong Sun, Wang Rui, Yuanlong Chi, Bi Shi*. Controllably adjusting the hydrophobicity of collagen fibers for enhancing the adsorption rate, retention capacity, and separation performance of flavonoid aglycones. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 2023, 15: 18516-18527.
(4)Qixian Zhang, Qingyong Sun, Xulin Duan, Yuanlong Chi, Bi Shi*. Effectively recovering catechin compounds in the removal of caffeine from tea polyphenol extract by using hydrophobically modified collagen fiber. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 322: 124325.
(5)Qixian Zhang, Lu Jin, Feng Zhang, Kai Yao, Jiaqi Zhang, Qisheng Zhang, Qiang He, Yuping Wan, Yuanlong Chi*. Analysis of 7 volatile N-nitrosamines in Chinese Sichuan salted vegetables by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry coupled to modified QuEchERS extraction. Food Control, 2019, 98: 342-347.
(6)Qixian Zhang, Ruijie Fu, Kai Yao, Dongying Jia, Qiang He, Yuanlong Chi*. Clarification effect of collagen hydrolysate clarifier on chrysanthemum beverage. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 2018, 91: 70-76.
(7)Qixian Zhang, Xinxin Li, Juan Li, Wenhua Zhang, Xuepin Liao, Bi Shi*. Raw skin wastes-used to prepare a collagen fibre adsorbent for the chromatographic separation of flavonoids. Journal of the Society of Leather Technologists and Chemists, 2014, 98(3): 93-98.
(8)Qixian Zhang, Juan Li, Wenhua Zhang, Xuepin Liao, Bi Shi*. Adsorption chromatography separation of baicalein and baicalin using collagen fiber adsorbent. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2013, 52(6): 2425-2433.
(9)張琦弦, 石碧*. 基于膠原纖維的吸附分離材料研究進展. 化工進展, 2014, 33(9): 2235-2243. (特約評述)
(10)張琦弦, 孫青永, 石碧*. 羧基化膠原纖維的制備及其對黃酮苷類化合物的分離特性. 皮革科學與工程, 2023, 33(6): 8-16.