吳艷萍,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師。2014年畢業于四川大學食品科學與工程專業,獲工學學士學位;2018年畢業于四川大學發酵工程專業,獲工學博士學位。2018年7月至今,于四川大學輕工科學與工程學院從事科研工作。擔任Food Chem.、LWT、Front. Microbiol. Carbohyd. Polym.等期刊審稿人。
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(32272434),吡咯-2-羧酸基于agr群體感應系統抑制單增李斯特菌生物膜形成及毒力的機制研究,2023-2026,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金青年項目(31901791),二氫楊梅素靶向Sortase A抑制金黃色葡萄球菌生物膜形成的分子機制,2020-2022,主持。
3. 四川省科學技術廳應用基礎研究項目(2020YJ0067),基于多組學技術探究二氫楊梅素抑制金黃色葡萄球菌生物被膜形成的分子機制,2020-2021,主持。
4. 中國博士后科學基金特別資助項目(2020T130452),基于二氫楊梅素/環糊精包合物的可食復合膜的控釋特性及其對肉制品的保鮮機制,2020-2021,主持。
5. 中國博士后科學基金面上項目(2019M653411),CHQA抑制金黃色葡萄球菌生物被膜形成的分子機制研究,2019-2020,主持。
6. 四川大學專職博士后研發基金項目(2021SCU12093),環糊精-淀粉復合納米顆粒穩定的皮克林乳液的制備及其界面穩定機理,2021-2022.12,主持。
7. 川大-達州校市戰略合作項目(2021CDDZ-18),萬源富硒茶精茶深加工關鍵技術及產品研發,2021-2023,主持。
8. 校企合作項目(19H0023),鐵皮石斛葉安全性評價,2019-2019,主持。
1. Xiaoqin Luo, Yumeng Li, Kai Zhong, Dong Luo, Yanping Wu*, Hong Gao. Discovering the effect of co-fermentation involving Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe on the sensory quality improvement of mandarin wine based on metabolites and transcriptomic profiles. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2023, 103:7932-7940.
2. Li Maoyun, Luo Xiaoqin, Zhu Ruixue, Zhong Kai, Ran Wenyi, Wu Yanping*, Gao Hong. Development and characterization of active bilayer film incorporated with dihydromyricetin encapsulated in hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin for food packaging application[J]. Food Hydrocolloids, 2022, 131, 107834.
3. Yu Wenyue, Zhu Yuyan, Zhu Ruixue, Bai Jinrong, Qiu Jinghong, Wu Yanping*, Zhong Kai, Gao Hong*. Insight into the characteristics of cider fermented by single and co-culture with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe based on metabolomic and transcriptomic approaches[J]. 2022, LWT - Food Science and Technology, 113538.
4. Li Qiaolei, Huang Yanni, Du Yaliyi, Chen You, Wu Yanping*, Zhong Kai, Huang Yina, Gao Hong*. Food-grade olive oil Pickering emulsions stabilized by starch/β-cyclodextrin complex nanoparticles: Improved storage stability and regulatory effects on gut microbiota[J]. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2022, 155: 112950.
5. Yue Yuxi, Chen Chong, Zhong Kai, Wu Yanping*, Hong Gao. Purification, fermentation optimization, and antibacterial activity of pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid produced by an endophytic bacterium, Bacillus cereus ZBE, isolated from Zanthoxylum bungeanum, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61(3): 1267-1276.
6. Wu Yanping, Yue Yuxi, Deng Sha, He Guiping, Gao Hong*. Zhou Mi; Zhong Kai; Deng Ruijie*. Ratiometric-enhanced G-quadruplex probes for amplified and mix-to-read detection of mercury pollution in aquatic products, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2020, 68(43): 12124-12131
7. Wu Yanping, Shi Yachen, Deng Sha, Wu Chengyong, Deng Ruijie*, He Guiping, Zhou Mi, Zhong Kai, Gao Hong*. Metal-induced G-quadruplex polymorphism for ratiometric and label-free detection of lead pollution in tea[J]. Food Chemistry, 2020, 343(16): 128425.
8. Wu Yanping, Xiao Yue, Yue Yuxi, Zhong Kai, Zhao Yinglan, Gao Hong*. A deep insight into mechanism for inclusion of 2R, 3R-dihydromyricetin with cyclodextrins and the effect of complexation on antioxidant and lipid-lowering activities, Food Hydrocolloids, 2020, 103: 105718.
9. Wu Yanping, Bai Jinrong, Zhong Kai, Huang Yina, Hong Gao*. A dual antibacterial mechanism involved in membrane disruption and DNA binding of 2R,3R-dihydromyricetin from pine needles of Cedrus deodara against Staphylococcus aureus, Food Chemistry, 2017, 218: 463-470.
10. Wu Yanping, Bai Jinrong, Zhong Kai, Huang Yina, Qi Huayi, Jiang Yan, Gao Hong*. Antibacterial activity and membrane-disruptive mechanism of 3-p-trans-coumaroyl-2-hydroxyquinic acid, a novel phenolic compound from pine needles of Cedrus deodara, against Staphylococcus aureus, Molecules, 2016, 21(8): 1084.
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