(1) 國家自然科學基金青年項目(22001182),基于同質多晶三芳基乙烯光致變色材料的構建及構效關系研究,2020-2023,項目負責人;
(2) 國家博士后面上基金(2017M623032),對苯二酚-雙(β-羥乙基醚)對芳香族聚酯的共聚改性,2018-2019,項目負責人;
(3) 高校基本科研業務費(2017SCU11061),Lewis酸催化的PTA法合成PBT的反應研究,2017-2018,項目負責人;
(4) 技術服務項目(20H0177),一種近紅外吸收染料的合成,2020,項目負責人
(1) Bin Yan, Ziqi Shi, Jiayou Lin, Ling Zhang*, Linbo Han, Xingwei Shi, Qin Yang*, Boosting heterogeneous Fenton reactions for degrading organic dyes via the photothermal effect under neutral conditions, Environmental Science Nano, 2022, 9, 532-541.
(2) Jikang Li, Qin Yang, Sheng Chen, Kerry McPhedran, Yingchun Gu, Rongfu Huang*, Bin Yan*, Sustainably closed loop recycling of hierarchically porous polymer microbeads for efficient removal of cationic dyes. Environmental Science-Water Research Technology. 2022, 8, 575-585. (共同一作)
(3) Jiang Wu, Jun Yin, Sheng Chen, Hongyan Xiao, Bin Yan*, Qin Yang*, Synthesis, aggregation-induced emission properties and mechanofluorochromic behavior of sulfur connected bis (tetraphenylethene) luminogens. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 186, 108978.
(4) Ronghui Zhou, Xiaomei Lu, Qin Yang*, Peng Wu*, Nanocrystals for large Stokes shift-based optosensing. Chinese Chemical Letters, 2019, 30, 1843-1848.
(5) Qin Yang, Dongyang Li, Weijie Chi, Ronghui Guo, Bin Yan, Jianwu Lan,* Xiaogang Liu*, Jun Yin*. Regulation of aggregation-induced emission behaviours and mechanofluorochromism of tetraphenylethene through different oxidation states of sulphur moieties. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2019, 7, 8244-8249.
(6) Qin Yang, Qingfu Wang, Zhengkun Yu*. Substitution of alcohols by N-nucleophiles via transition metal-catalyzed dehydrogenation. Chemical Society Reviews, 2015, 44, 2305-2329.
(7) Qin Yang, Tongyu Xu, and Zhengkun Yu*. Iron-Mediated Carboarylation/Cyclization of Propargylanilines with Acetals: A Concise Route to Indeno[2,1?c]quinolines. Organic Letters, 2014, 16, 6310-6313.
(8) Qin Yang, Ping Wu, Jiping Chen, Zhengkun Yu*. Iron-catalyzed alkylation of a-oxo ketene dithioacetals. Chemical Communications, 2014, 50, 6337-6339.
(1) 楊琴,吳江,閻斌,同質多晶的對稱二四苯乙烯熒光化合物制備方法及其晶體,ZL202010118474.1
(2) 楊琴,吳江,肖紅艷,一種同質多晶的四苯乙烯熒光染料及其制備, ZL201910056380.3