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發布時間:2017年09月17日 17:34   文章來源:   瀏覽次數:


任 堯,博士,博士后,副教授,碩士生導師,食品工程系副系主任,主要從事食源性蛋白質開發利用,功能活性肽、呈味肽研究,長期致力于天然活性小分子的提取、純化和功能性、營養學評價,對各類新資源食品、農產品進行深加工開發研究。目前為止,主持國家自然科學基金項目、教育部博士后面上基金項目、四川省自然科學基金、省科技廳重點項目和成都市基礎應用項目及企業合作項目10多項。 在國際重要SCI學術刊物發表研究性論文30余篇,作為J. Agric. Food Chem., Food Chem., Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 和Food&Funct.等國際學術期刊特邀審稿人,授權國家發明專利10多項。



1. 食物蛋白質資源開發利用

2. 食源性功能營養小分子挖掘與解析

3. 微生物與食物成分互作關系研究

4. 食品質量與安全控制


1. 食品化學(本科課程)

2. 食品生物技術(本科課程)

3. 食品質量控制(研究生課程)


1. 基于協同抗氧化的魚皮肽-酚酸的分子構建及體內吸收利用機理研究,國家自然科學青年基金項目,主持;

2. 環肽/酚酸構建抗氧化納米顆粒及體內生物利用形式研究,四川省科技廳重點項目,主持;

3. 郫縣豆瓣中黃曲霉毒素B1的輻照應急降解處理及其機制研究,成都市基礎應用項目,主持;

4. 四川地區茶葉制醬及其香氣營養活性成分研究,四川省開放基金項目,主持;

5. 紫金蜜桑葉降血糖血脂深加工關鍵技術及保健品開發應用,校市合作項目,主持;

6. 藜麥適栽品種篩選及其營養品質、加工應用技術研究,校市合作項目,主持。


1. Hao Yang, Rodrigo Ledesma-Amaro, Hong Gao, Yao Ren*, Ruijie Deng.  CRISPR-based biosensor for pathogenic biosafety. Biosensors and Bioelectronics.

2. Yao Ren, Lulu Jin, Hongling Zeng, Rosa Busquets, Guiping He, Sha Deng, Qiang He, Mohammad Rizwan Khan, Ruijie Deng, and Yuanlong Chi. Primer-engineered transferase enzyme for one-pot and amplified detection of cobalt pollution and peptide remover screening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

3. Xuhan Xia, Chenxi Zhou, Yulin Zhu, Yi Dong, Qiang He, Mohammad Rizwan Khan, Yuanlong Chi, Rosa Busquets, Ruijie Deng, Yao Ren*. Nucleic acid probe-based label-free and rapid detection of mercury pollution in food. Food Science and Human Wellness.

4. Ren, Yao, Wu, Hui, Chi, Yuanlong, Deng, Ruijie, He, Qiang. Structural characterization, erythrocyte protection and antifatigue effect of antioxidant collagen peptides from tilapia (Oreochromis nilotica L.) skin. Food & Function.

5. Ran Ling, Chi Yuanlong, Huang Yan, He Qiang, Ren Yao*. Synergistic antioxidant effect of glutathione and edible phenolic acids and improvement of the activity protection by co-encapsulation into chitosan-coated liposomes. LWT-Food Science and Technology.

6. Ren, Yao, Yang, Yijing, Wu, Wenjia, Zhang, Mengmeng, Wu, Hui, Li,Xiaofeng. Identification and characterization of novel anticoagulant peptide with thrombolytic effect and nutrient oligopeptides with high branched chain amino acid from Whitmania pigra protein. Amino Acids.

7. Ren, Yao, Liang, Kai, Jin, Yiqiong, Zhang, Mengmeng, Chen, Yu, Wu, Hui, Lai, Furao. Identification and characterization of two novel alpha-glucosidase inhibitory oligopeptides from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seed protein. Journal of Functional Foods.

8. Ren, Yao, Wu, Hui, Lai, Furao, Yang, Meiyan, Li, Xiaofeng, Tang, Yuqian.Isolation and identification of a novel anticoagulant peptide from enzymatic hydrolysates of scorpion (Buthus martensii Karsch) protein. Food Research International.

9. Ren, Yao, Chen, Yu, Hu, Bohan, Wu, Hui, Lai, Furao, Li, Xiaofeng. Microwave-assisted extraction and a new determination method for total steroid saponins from Dioscorea zingiberensis CH Wright. Steroids.

10. Chen, Yu, Dong, Yi, Chi, Yuanlong, He, Qiang, Wu, Hui, Ren, Yao*. Eco-friendly microbial production of diosgenin from saponins in Dioscorea zingiberensis tubers in the presence of Aspergillus awamori. Steroids.

11. Ren, Yao, Wu, Hui, Li, Xiaofeng, Lai, Furao, Xiao, Xinglong. Purification and characterization of high antioxidant peptides from duck egg white protein hydrolysates. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.

12. Ren, Yao, Wu, Hui, Li, Xiaofeng, Lai, Furao, Zhao, Guanglei, Xiao, Xinglong.A Two-Step, One-Pot Enzymatic Method for Preparation of Duck Egg White Protein Hydrolysates with High Antioxidant Activity. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.

13. Ren, Yao, Xie, Haoyu, Liu, Li, Jia, Dongying, Yao, Kai, Chi, Yuanlong. Processing and prebiotics characteristics of α-glucan extract from highland barley. Applied Sciences.



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