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發布時間:2015年01月18日 21:19   文章來源:   瀏覽次數:

陳意,博士,教授,博導,教育部重要人才計劃特聘教授,四川省“天府青城計劃”天府科技菁英,四川省學術和技術帶頭人后備人選,美國麻省理工學院(MIT)化學系訪問學者,曾獲四川省科技進步一等獎、教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果一等獎、中國輕工業聯合會科學技術發明一等獎,現任國際皮革工藝師和化學家協會聯合會(IULTCS)執行委員會委員、中國皮革協會科技委員會委員、中文核心期刊《皮革科學與工程》、英文學術期刊《Collagen and Leather》編委迄今為止,以第一作者或通訊作者身份發表論文70余篇;作為項目負責人,已獲國家重點研發計劃課題/子課題(2)、國家自然科學基金(4)等縱向課題資助,同時承擔了30余項企業橫向課題;現階段主要研究方向為合成革用新材料及清潔生產技術、大宗非糧生物油高值利用、葫蘆脲超分子化學。



1、Delong Hou, Shuai Zhou, Xueling Tan, Dongzhi Yuan, Jun Yan, Qi Zeng, Yi Chen*. 2D materials kill bacteria from within. Nano Letters, 2024, 24: 6506-6512.

2、Delong Hou, Yong Xu, Jun Yan, Qi Zeng, Zhonghui Wang, Yi Chen*. Intracellularly self-assembled 2D materials induce apoptotic cell death by impeding cytosolic transport. ACS Nano, 2023, 17: 3055-3063.

3、Siyu Pan, Jun Yan, Xu Peng, Zhou Xu, Qi Zeng, Zhonghui Wang, Minzhong Zhao, Yi Chen*. Y-shaping all components in waste cooking oil-derived epoxidized fatty acid methyl esters towards leaching-resistant bio-plasticizer. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11: 1492-1501.

4、Delong Hou, Liping Pu, Shuai Zhou, Rui Wang, Yong Xu, Wenle Zhang, Zhonghui Wang, Qi Zeng, Zhou Xu, Haojun Fan, Yi Chen*. Spiropyran-appended cucurbit[6]uril enabling direct generation of 2D materials inside living cells. Small, 2021, 17: 2102392.

5、Qiuping Xie, Delong Hou, Jinming Chang, Zhou Xu, Qi Zeng, Zhonghui Wang, Yi Chen*. Beyond temperature: Controlling collagen fibrillogenesis under physiological conditions via interaction with cucurbit[7]uril. Chemical Communications, 2020, 56: 4946.

6、Sunxian Yan, Delong Hou, Gaofu Yang, Siyu Pan, Qiuping Xie, Qi Zeng, Zhonghui Wang, Yi Chen*, Haojun Fan. Light-mediated formation and dissociation of a two-dimensional supramolecular polymer sheet: One step closer to sustainability. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 13180.

7、Siyu Pan, Delong Hou, Jinming Chang, Zhou Xu, Songhang Wang, Sunxian Yan, Qi Zeng, Zhonghui Wang, Yi Chen*. A potentially general approach to aliphatic ester-derived PVC plasticizers with suppressed migration as sustainable alternatives to DEHP. Green Chemistry, 2019, 21: 6430.

8、Jinming Chang, Yi Chen*, Zhou Xu, Zhonghui Wang, Qi Zeng, Haojun Fan. Switchable control of antibiotic activity: A shape-shifting "tail" strategy. Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2018, 29: 74.

9、Xiaoyu Guan, Yi Chen*, Haojun Fan. Step deprotonation of magnetite-supported gallic acid modulates oxidation state and adsorption-assisted translocation of hexavalent chromium. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9: 15525.



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