1、Chuanjie Gong, Yunxiang He, Yao Tang, Rong Hu, Yuanping Lv, Qisheng Zhang, Blaise L. Tardy, Joseph J. Richardson, Qiang He, Junling Guo*, Yuanlong Chi*. Biofilms in plant-based fermented foods: formation mechanisms, benefits and drawbacks on quality and safety, and functionalization strategies. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 2021, 116, 940-953. [Link]
2、Xin Lin, Yao Tang, Yun Hu, Yunhao Lu, Qi Sun, Yuanping Lv, Qisheng Zhang; Chongde Wu, Meijun Zhu, Qiang He, Yuanlong Chi*. Sodium reduction in traditional fermented foods: challenges, strategies and perspectives. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69, 8065-8080. [Link]
3、Yunhao Lu, Xinyi Tan, Yuanping Lv, Guohua Yang, Yuanlong Chi*, Qiang He*. Physicochemical properties and microbial community dynamics during Chinese horse bean-chili-paste fermentation, revealed by culture-dependent and culture-independent approaches. Food Microbiology, 2020, 85, 103309. [Link]
4、Feng Zhang, Yao Tang, Yao Ren, Kai Yao, Qiang He, Yuping Wan, Yuanlong Chi*. Microbial composition of spoiled industrial-scale Sichuan paocai and characteristics of the microorganisms responsible for paocai spoilage. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2018, 275, 32-38. [Link]
5、Qisheng Zhang, Gong Chen, Wenxi Shen, Yong Wang, Wenxue Zhang*, Yuanlong Chi*. Microbial safety and sensory quality of instant low-salt Chinese Paocai. Food Control, 2016, 59: 575-580. [Link]
6、Yunhao Lu, Linzi Yang, Guohua Yang, Yuanlong Chi*, Qiang He*. Bio-augmented effect of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and Candida versatilis on microbial community and flavor metabolites during Chinese horse bean-chili-paste fermentation. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 2021, 351, 109262.[Link]
7、Yao Tang, Gong Chen, Dongdong Wang, Rong Hu, Heng Li, Shuliang Liu, Qisheng Zhang, Jianying Ming, Yuanlong Chi*. Effects of dry-salting and brine-pickling processes on the physicochemical properties, nonvolatile flavour profiles and bacterial community during the fermentation of Chinese salted radishes. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 2022, 157, 113084. [Link]
8、Yao Ren, Lulu Jin, Hongling Zeng, Rosa Busquets, Guiping He, Sha Deng, Qiang He, Mohammad Rizwan Khan, Ruijie Deng, Yuanlong Chi*. Primer-engineered transferase enzyme for one-pot and amplified detection of cobalt pollution and peptide remover screening. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71, 877-883.[Link]
9、Qixian Zhang, Lu Jin, Feng Zhang, Kai Yao, Yao Ren, Jiaqi Zhang, Qisheng Zhang, Qiang He, Yuping Wan, Yuanlong Chi*. Analysis of 7 volatile N-nitrosamines in Chinese Sichuan salted vegetables by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry coupled to modified QuEchERS extraction. Food Control, 2019, 98, 342-347. [Link]
10、Qi Lin, Honghu Sun*, Kai Yao, Jiong Cai, Yao Ren, Yuanlong Chi*. Prevalence, antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus in bulk ready-to-eat foods. Biomolecules, 2019, 9(10), 524. [Link]
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